Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday Tip - What is at the "core" of strong, lean abs?

What is at the “core” of strong lean abs… Engaging your Abs during every move!

Your core is much more than a “six-pack” of muscles hiding underneath your tummy -- it's a system of muscles that include your back muscles, your abs, gluteals and pelvic muscles. A strong core can relieve back pain, ease daily activities, prevent injuries and improve your balance, stability, posture and athletic performance! 

In addition to your traditional ab exercises, such as planks and bicycle crunches, remember to brace these muscles before every exercise to keep your back healthy, steady your balance and maintain a strong body position. Holding a strong core and firing your abs during the rest of your workout will give you the added bonus of repeated isometric exercises for your mid-section. This will help give you those abs you envy!

1 comment:

  1. So many practical benefits.. not just the unspoken cosmetic benefit!

    I like your graphic
