Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday's Tip - Weight Training Can Be the Key To Your Success!

Walking or even running can only take you so far when it comes to fitness and weight loss. Your body needs resistance training as well as cardio. A study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that combining aerobic exercise and resistance training was more effective for improving overall body composition. The combined program resulted in more lean body mass, where cardio alone did not and women lost more weight on the combined program than with just an aerobics class.

What's more, lifting weights increases the number of calories you burn after your workout. A University of Wisconsin study found that when people performed a total-body workout targeting the largest muscle groups of the body, their resting metabolisms stayed elevated for a full 39 hours afterward.

So if your goal is to get more fit, burn more calories, add lean muscle mass and lose fat. Try adding muscle resistance exercises to your routine like squats, lunges, push-ups, shoulder presses and so on.  Body weight exercises and compound free weight exercises are time efficient and will give you the results you want.
                                                       For more tips visit:

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tuesday's Tip - Eat Your Veggies Day!

 We love carbs as much as the next person and a juicy steak is hard to beat. But research shows that eating a rainbow of veggies provides us with countless benefits, including protection against cancer, heart disease, and the effects of aging!  SO we strive to load up on veggies as a principle of a great diet!
Ultimately, the FDA recommends a total of nine to thirteen servings of fruits and vegetables daily. That really is not as difficult as it seems since a serving size is only a ½ cup for most fruits and veggies.  However, if that still seems daunting, rather than fixate on a specific amount, make sure to have just one vegetable or fruit with each meal. Whether that means adding a banana to your morning cereal or putting tomato and lettuce on your lunchtime turkey sandwich, it's an easy way to get your veggies in without keeping a tally sheet.

At dinner we practice the 50 percent rule: we aim to have half of our plate covered in veggies. Not only will this help you get your nutrition fix in, but you'll also likely shed some weight. Each bite of vegetable has 3 to 4 times fewer calories than any other bite of food on your plate.  In addition the fiber in the veggies will fill you up FAST.  For more nutrition tips, visit: www.EatAndBeFit.com

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Bacon – Super food or “Death on a Plate”

There is a revolution going on in the world of Nutrition. Foods like eggs that were considered dangerous a few years ago are now considered healthy. Saturated fat was declared “the fast lane to a heart attack”. That theory also seems to have been disproven. So what’s the deal with bacon? We know we love the taste, yet of all the demonized foods this one seems to always be at the top of the “naughty” list. So what’s the truth? Is bacon really as bad as they say? Well let’s look at the health issues one at a time and see where it stacks up.

                                         To view the full printable article visit:

Thursday, June 12, 2014

You Can't Expect Results From a Wrokout You Didn't Do...

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday's Tip - Eat Smaller Meals and Often

Most of us have heard it before.... eat small frequent meals throughout the day. However many of us are more likely to still eat 2 or three large meals daily. It is true that smaller- frequent meals is absolutely the only way to go. Why? Because when we go longer than 3 hours without eating, our levels of the stress hormone Cortisol increases. And high cortisol levels signal the body to store fat in the abdominal region. Keep in mind too that studies show people who skip meals have the highest cortisol levels of all!

Research suggests that eating small meals more often reduces Cortisol levels. In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, people who ate six small meals a day for 2 weeks, as opposed to three large meals containing the same total number of calories, reduced their Cortisol levels by more than 17 percent! And they lost belly fat too!

When you eat small (for example 300-350 calorie per meal), frequent meals (about every 3 hours- while awake) long term, the body becomes efficient at keeping cortisol levels low, which helps both men and women reduce belly fat. Eating regularly throughout the day also makes you less tempted to overeat at any one sitting or be overly tempted to raid the snack machine at the office.  For more nutrition tips visit www.EatAndBeFit.com

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Six Most important problems men must prevent as they age...

June 15th is Father’s Day, a day that honors the big guy. You have spent your life making sacrifices for your kids. You let your little girl dress you up like a Barbie Doll. You stayed up all night with a sick child then went to work exhausted the next day. You taught them about life and how to survive in a competitive world. You were their rock, their role model, the one they could count on, the one they wanted to be like when they grew up. You promised them you would always be there for them and you want to do everything you can to keep that promise. You are over 50 and now when you look in the mirror you are starting to say to yourself…”Who is that guy looking back at me?” A few more grey hairs, a few more pounds, a little more stress, less sleep, and where did that physique go? But wait…it’s not too late. You can still keep that promise. Work on these Six age-related problems and you can literally set the clock back… or at least slow it down.
The Six Most Important Problems Men Must Prevent As They Age...

For full article:

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Think Locally Grown...

If it is fresh, wholesome, nutrient rich, flavorful food you seek, then eating locally grown foods can provide you with just that! #eatmoreveggies







Monday, June 2, 2014