Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday's Tip - Make A Plan And Stick To It!

Getting healthier and more fit… doesn’t just happen. To be successful you need to be consistent and this will require you to MAKE time to fit in exercise.  We are all busy, so to see results you need to make it a priority and plan time to work out.  To begin with…. assess when you are the most energetic.  Are you a morning person? If so, schedule your fitness activities early in the day.  On the other hand, if you just can’t rally in the mornings, but perk up as the day goes along, then plan your workouts in the afternoon or evening.  The key then is to PLAN three to four workouts a week and stick to the times you schedule.  Write it on your calendar and treat as any other appointment.  If something comes up, think about whether or not you would cancel any other appointment for the same reason.  If it is really necessary, then reschedule the “workout appointment” as you would any other important meeting.  Don’t simply cancel it and forget it.


Plain and simple, waiting to find time to work out just won’t work… you need to make the time. Being consistent and working out when you have the most energy each day will yield the best results.  For more Motivation tips, visit www.EatAndBeFit.com

Monday, May 26, 2014

Motivation Monday

Creating good nutritious meals at home, that are properly proportioned and balanced, will help maintain your abs in short order! #eatmoremealsathome

Visit: www.eatandbefit.com for more motivation!


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday's Tip-Make no bones about it....Regular exercise creates a strong skeleton!

We’ve all heard TONS of fitness and nutrition advice, some of it from trainers, infomercials and even well-meaning friends. It can be confusing and at times conflicting. So, we’ve decided to dedicate Tuesdays to giving you some of our best health, nutrition and fitness tips. We base our health and fitness advice on medical evidence. Join us on Tuesdays for our best tips that will help keep you safe and give you the best results. 

We think of our skeleton as a solid unchanging structure, but nothing could be further from the truth. Our bones are constantly being broken down and rebuilt throughout our lifetime...

To view the entire printable post, visit www.EatAndBeFit.com!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Results Happen Over Time, Not Overnight... Be Patient.

Every step you take towards being healthy is an accomplishment. Don’t get discouraged when you don’t wake up the next day and see results! It takes time before you notice a significant change in the way you look and feel. Be patient, it’s worth it!

For more motivational quotes, fitness and nutrition tips, and deliciously healthy recipes, visit www.EatAndBeFit.com!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday Tip - Is Social Support the Key to Success?

Are you ready to make a change in your lifestyle? Are you ready to eat healthier, get more active, and start an exercise routine? Numerous research studies have shown that people with strong social support are much more successful at lifestyle change than those who don’t.

For the full article and 5 tips for getting your support system in place, visit EatAndBeFit.com!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday Tip - Reduce Post Workout Soreness With Active Recovery

We’ve all heard TONS of fitness and nutrition advice, some of it from trainers, infomercials and even well-meaning friends. It can be confusing and at times conflicting. So, we’ve dedicated Tuesdays to giving you some of our best health, nutrition and fitness tips. We base our health and fitness advice on medical evidence. Join us on Tuesdays for our best tips that will help keep you safe and give you the best results.

Reduce Post Workout Soreness With Active Recovery

We all experience post workout muscle soreness from time to time, whether it is due to trying a new exercise or activity or because you have been sedentary and are now starting to workout.

The best remedy is not bed rest or inactivity... It is actually best to keep moving with some light activity. This is what we call “active recovery”. It will actually reduce the intensity and duration of your discomfort. The metabolites in your sore muscles that cause pain are dispersed and diffused by activity, and blood flow is increased to the muscle tissue, speeding recovery by up to 40 percent. So when you wake up the “day after” and are achy, resist the temptation to stay in bed, and instead, take a walk, go for a swim, do some light yoga moves, or do a few simple rounds of calisthenics the day after a workout. You will recover more quickly and be better able to stay on track with your fitness goals!

For more tips on working out, nutrition, and living a healthy lifestyle, visit our blog, Eat And Be Fit.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Top Doc Radio

                  Episode Guest ~ Dr. Tom Kleeman


Hear Dr. Kleeman's interview with the host of TopDocRadio, Anthony Figiola.... as they discuss how MDfitness was created and how this full-body exercise program can benefit you! The benefits of physical activity are immense. According to the CDC, exercise can reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes and even cancer as well as improve your mental health and increase your chances of living a longer life. To learn more and hear the entire interview online go to...
