Monday, July 29, 2013

The Sneaky Facts About Snacks

The U.S. Department of Agriculture released new standards for nutrition in the schools this week. Titled “Smart Snacks in School” the goal is to provide healthier snack options in the vending machines at our schools.

The real problem is childhood obesity affects at least 17% of school children today and is increasing like a runaway train. “Little Johnny” is no longer little, he has become “Big Johnny” seemingly overnight.

Childhood obesity develops into adult obesity with all of the associated problems such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The time to solve the problem is before it becomes a problem and that means helping children develop better eating habits that are both tasty and nutritious.

If you look at the most popular vending machine snacks, they include Snickers, Peanut M&Ms, Cheetos, Doritos, Twix, Pop Tarts, and of course the always popular potato chips. While these treats rank high on the tasty scale they are loaded with the three biggest contributors to early health problems, namely, sugar, fat, and salt.

The sneaky part about these ingredients is that the more you eat, the more you want. But don’t be fooled by snacks that claim to be healthy but in fact aren’t what they seem. Take granola bars for instance. If you dissect them out, you often find a high percentage of processed carbohydrates, and very little fiber. Between the dried fruit and the honey used to hold it all together, they have as many sugar calories as there are in a Twix bar. But the good news is that taste buds can be trained to be satisfied by snacks that are truly healthy such as nuts, whole grain chips such as Sun Chips, Fig Newtons, Baked Chips, Pretzels, and yes even Popcorn without the trans-fat. The changes won’t happen overnight, but if we all try just a little bit each day to encourage our children and grandchildren to make better snack choices, we will be helping them to become healthier happier adults.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

NO pain NO gain, what does it really mean?

Have you seen Dr. Kleeman’s House Calls yet? These short, educational videos review the latest health trends from a Doctor's perspective.

This week's featured video is, "NO pain NO gain, what does it really mean?" There are many theories about pain and exercise - some say STOP if you have any pain, while others subscribe to the “no pain, no gain” theory. Dr. Kleeman, what's your advice?

The Wolverine Workout and Other Extreme Workout Programs

It seems every day there is an actor or celebrity getting “ripped” with a new extreme workout. First Jake Gyllenhaal and now Hugh Jackman are highlighted as results of these extreme workouts. So I guess you have to ask yourself: Am I trying to star in the next blockbuster movie or am I just trying to create a better quality of life? Out of interest, I decided to look into the Wolverine workout to see what made it so different from other workouts. What I found was a program that had some marked similarities to “the doctor’s workout” with a few important differences.

First the similarities:
  1. Both workouts include a warm-up session with some cardio 
  2. Both use fundamental training principals with core strengthening 
  3. Both compound and isolation exercises are emphasized 
  4. Many of the exercises are the same such as squats, dead lifts, and presses 
  5. Weights are lifted slowly and to fatigue 
Now the differences:
  1. Longer sessions (1 – 1 1/2 hours vs. 40 minutes) 
  2. Heavier weights 
  3. Sessions are split between muscle groups using “Super sets” 
  4. The exercises are mixed up changing angle, tempo, weight, time, and rest 
  5. Hugh uses a very expensive trainer 
  6. Dietary supplements are probably employed 
If you take away the hype and the glamour, basically you see more similarities than differences especially in the basic principles of the two workouts. An important difference is that “the doctor’s workout” is designed for real people living real lives not movie stars living fantasy lives. You won’t end up with a six-pack of abs but you will have more strength, better balance, greater endurance, and overall a better quality of life. And best of all, you won’t have to kill yourself to keep it going.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Vacation Workout Ideas

Exercising doesn’t usually make it on the itinerary during vacation, but remember, there are plenty of fun, family-centered activities that you can do on your vacation that will keep you on track. 

  1. Take a daily beach walk. Walking in the sand is more challenging than walking on pavement. Try to go for at least a half an hour. You’ll get in some cardio and enjoy the scenery at the same time. 
  2. Go for a hike. There are trails and mountains all over the country with a range of difficulty levels. You’ll feel great at the end and spend quality family time while you’re working up a sweat. Take a dip in the pool to cool off after! 
  3. Rent bikes. Take an afternoon to ride bikes around town or bike to and from dinner instead of driving. You won’t feel guilty indulging in dessert! 
  4. Bring your MDfitness DVD with you! Take just 40 minutes out of your day and get a great workout.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Want to get a FREE copy of The Doctor’s Workout?

Want to get a FREE copy of The Doctor’s Workout? Well, here is your chance! Sign up for a free subscription to the MDfitness Health Watch to be entered to win. Don’t delay, the winner will be selected on July 29th!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Summer Outdoor Workout

Summer is the perfect time to move your workout outside. All of the exercises from Mdfitness can be performed in your backyard so you can enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. However, here are a few tips to remember as you savor the beautiful summer weather:

Wear sunscreen: Although the sun feels great on your skin and Vitamin D is essential for our bodies, the sun can cause wrinkles, sun spots, and skin cancer. Be sure to wear at least SPF 30 even on cloudy days.

Keep hydrated: Hydration is key every day, but especially when you are sweating more from the heat outside. Try to avoid sugary drinks and stick to water.

Wear bug spray: Mosquito bites are annoying and itchy, but they can also be very dangerous. Mosquitos can carry West Nile Virus, which causes inflammation of the brain, and can be fatal in some patients. Use bug spray, or work out in a screened-in room.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy Fourth of July!

We know that you’re busy with your Fourth of July plans but that doesn’t mean you need to stress about over-indulging and regretting your food choices. 

We have some easy tips to remember to help you maintain your health and fitness goals:
  • If you’re attending a BBQ or cookout, you can bring your own healthy dish to share with your friends and family. This will prevent you from being forced to eat an unhealthy option. Check out some of the “Cheat Treat” recipes we have pinned on our Pinterest page:
  • Another tip is to think before you drink! Stick to wine or beer and try to stay away from the margaritas that are loaded with calories. Remember to pace yourself and drink plenty of water!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Win a FREE Copy of MDfitness, The Doctor’s Workout

Sign up today for your free subscription of our Health Watch blog and one lucky fan will be entered to win a FREE copy of MDfitness, The Doctor’s Workout. Just visit and submit your email for your chance to win!