Wednesday, December 18, 2013

How To Get Better Results From Your Workout

How to get BETTER results from your workout. Here are some of our favorite tips to help you get better results in less time

Keep Yourself Motivated

Keep yourself motivated by keeping track of your progress. As we make progress we often forget how far we have come especially if we don’t keep track of where we began. For instance, write down the number of reps you can complete with a given weight or how many minutes of cardio you could do in the beginning. Also write down how often you are really exercising and what you are doing. Keeping a diary will not only show you how far you have come since starting your workout but will also provide valuable information if you’re not really making the progress you want. Often we think we are working out more often then we really are, so the diary “keeps us honest”. Mo
Work Out During the Workday

Get in some extra workout time during the workday. If you sit all day at work, it is difficult to make up for that that with just a few workouts a week. Try to work more activity into ALL areas of your life. Take the stairs whenever possible or take a walk at lunchtime. Just adding some extra regular activity will boost your metabolism and burn some extra calories.

Take Rest Days

Take rest days between weight workouts. Without sufficient rest, your muscles will not recover and rebuild. So make sure that you plan for a rest day in between your weight routines. This will help your muscles grow stronger and also help to prevent overuse injuries. Use the “days off” for and extra walk or bike ride.

Focus On Your Form

Focus on your form at all times. It is easy to become distracted when working out… but proper form is key. Using proper form allows you to target individual muscles and while also preventing injury. Think about the muscles you are working and pay close attention that you are using proper form. Distractions such as talking to a friend or watching TV while on a treadmill means you are less likely to watch your form and get the most out of each exercise. If you prefer to chat or watch TV while exercising be sure to stop and recheck your form regularly.

Get Enough Sleep

Be sure you are getting enough sleep. Sleep is an important factor in your overall health and weight management. Lack of sleep stresses the body and will increase your levels of Cortisol which can hinder your fat loss. Sleep is also essential to muscle recovery so that you can build muscle tissue. Most adults require 7-8 hours of sleep a night, so be sure you are getting proper rest between your workouts.

No Snack Sabotage

Don’t sabotage your workout with excess “pre and post workout snacks”. You do need proper nutrition to fuel your workout but be careful that you are not exceeding the calories you burn in your workout with extra workout snacks. If you do prefer to eat a snack pre and post workout, just remember it should be considered in your overall daily food consumption. Most “fitness supplements” such as powders, gels, and bars are created for endurance athletes and are not appropriate for light to moderate exercise . In most cases your overall diet is adequate to fuel your workout but if you are more sensitive to changes in your blood sugar then listen to your body and be sure to time your food so that you don’t feel overly tired during your workout. 

Incorporate these tips into your overall fitness plan and you WILL see results!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Are you looking for an easy way to make a BIG change in your health and weight… then look no further.

Are you looking for an easy way to make a BIG change in your health and weight?

Then look no further!

Simply replacing some of your refined grain consumption with whole grains can do just that!! Whole grains are a healthy necessity in every diet, important whether you are young or old, man or women. 

Studies show that eating whole grains instead of refined grains lowers the risk of many chronic diseases. While the benefits are most pronounced for those consuming at least 3 servings daily, some studies show reduced risks from as little as one serving daily. The bottom line: every whole grain in your diet helps! When you think about it, what could be easier then replacing refined pasta with a whole grain variety… or replacing ½ of the flour in a dish with whole wheat flour? When you start thinking this way, you will be amazed at how easy it is. I’ve always loved pasta and portion control was a constant struggle but finding a whole grain pasta I loved, meant I was able to control my portions better, feel fuller and eat less.

Many of us are increasingly aware that fruits and vegetables contain disease-fighting phytochemicals and antioxidants, but did you know that whole grains are often an even better source of these key nutrients. Moreover, whole grains have some valuable antioxidants not found in fruits and vegetables, as well as B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, iron and fiber!

Studies show the health benefits of whole grains include:
  • Better weight management! 
  • stroke risk reduced 30-36% 
  • type 2 diabetes risk reduced 21-30% 
  • heart disease risk reduced 25-28% 
  • reduced risk of asthma 
  • healthier carotid arteries 
  • reduction of inflammatory disease risk 
  • lower risk of colorectal cancer 
  • healthier blood pressure levels 
  • less gum disease and tooth loss 

Are you convinced… so now what?

You can easily add whole grains to your meals using favorite recipes you've always enjoyed and just making some small edits. Try some of the following:
  • Substitute half the white flour with whole wheat flour in your regular recipes for cookies, muffins, quick breads and pancakes. 
  • Replace one third of the flour in a recipe with quick oats or old-fashioned oats. 
  • Add half a cup of cooked bulgur, wild rice, or barley to bread stuffing. 
  • Add half a cup of cooked wheat or rye berries, wild rice, brown rice or barley to your favorite canned or home-made soup. 
  • Add three-quarters of a cup of uncooked oats (instead of bread crumbs) for each pound of ground beef or turkey when you make meatballs, burgers or meatloaf. 
  • Replace white rice with brown rice, quinoa or bulgur when making fried rice or burrito bowls. 
  • Enjoy whole grain salads like my Chicken, Cranberry and Bulgur Salad or Quinoa with Tuna 
  • Make one meal a week a meatless option and incorporate whole grains. The whole grains help to “fill you up” and keep you full since you are removing the fat and protein often provided by the meat. Look for my Whole Grain Penne with Eggplant Sauce recipe. 

Believe it or not, getting 3 servings of whole grains per day is easier than you think!

The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, indicates a serving of whole grain is defined as any of the following:
  • 1/2 cup cooked brown rice or other cooked grain 
  • 1/2 cup cooked 100% whole-grain pasta 
  • 1/2 cup cooked hot cereal, such as oatmeal 
  • 1 ounce uncooked whole grain pasta, brown rice or other grain 
  • 1 slice 100% whole grain bread 
  • 1 very small (1 oz.) 100% whole grain muffin 
  • 1 cup 100% whole grain ready-to-eat cereal 

Make the commitment today to replace refined grains with whole grains. Once you try it, you won’t go back! For more ideas for cooking with whole grains visit:

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How to be more active at any age or any size.

Older adults and overweight individuals can face special challenges in trying to be physically active. You may not be able to bend or move in the same way that other people can. Simple exercises may prove to be difficult or uncomfortable. If you are overweight, it may even be hard to find proper clothes and equipment for exercising. You may also feel self-conscious being active around other people. Facing these challenges is hard, but it can be done!

Starting with activities such as swimming or exercising while seated will put less stress on your joints because your legs are not supporting the weight of your body. If your feet or joints hurt when you stand, starting with these non-weight-bearing activities may be best for you. You can also ask your doctor for help in coming up with a physical activity plan that's right for you.

Remember that physical activity does not have to be hard to be good for you. Anything that gets you moving around, even for only a few minutes a day, is a healthy start to getting more fit. If you commit to being physically active on a daily basis, your body will thank you because it can make a big difference to your health. Even light to moderate activity will lower your risk of getting many diseases. And as your intensity increases you will lose weight and get stronger, and you'll get even more health benefits! Pledge to start today with just 10 minutes of physical activity and add 5 minutes per day every two weeks until you reach a total of 150 minutes per week. Before you know it you will start see the changes in how you feel and look!