Thursday, November 21, 2013

Watch Those Liquid Calories

You are what you eat and DRINK. 

When managing your weight…. It’s not just what you eat but also what you drink in the form of liquid calories. 

Soda is essentially sugar water, which packs a caloric punch. Diet soda, though clocking zero calories, also tallies zero nutritional value and has been linked to weight control issues. Smoothies and fruit juice, though healthier than soda, pack about the same number of calories. Alcohol of course is high in calories with no nutritional value and should be one of your “cheat treats” rather than part of your regular diet. With the exception of one glass of heart-healthy dry red wine daily. If you are looking for the healthiest choice, reach for water. Eight glasses are recommended per day, but if you hate drinking plain water, mix it up with water flavored with fresh fruit or try a flavored seltzer. Still need some variety?? Then here are some of my favorites:

1. Green Tea

Helps reduce your risk of osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, and cavities. Green tea contains a rich concentration natural antioxidants that may protect cells from carcinogens and inhibit tumor growth by helping to neutralize free radicals in the body. The tea's antioxidants may also guard against heart disease by relaxing blood vessels, inhibiting the formation of blood clots that trigger heart attacks and strokes. It also boasts 0 Calories.

2. Cranberry Juice with Seltzer

Helps prevent gum disease and supports urinary tract health. Research suggests that the same antibacterial properties present in cranberry juice that fight off urinary tract infections may also protect against periodontal disease. Experts theorize that a component of the juice called nondialysable material (NDM) inhibits bacteria from sticking to the gums. Many nutritionists are wary of fruit juices because of their sugar content, so limit your intake. Also, make sure the label says 100 percent juice, not 'juice drink' or 'cocktail. I like to mix 4 ounces of pure Cranberry juice with 4 ounces of calorie free seltzer and a twist of lime. Calories are only 70 for 8 ounces.

3. One Percent Low Fat Milk

Curbs cravings and helps protect against osteoporosis. Because it has all of the components of a healthy meal: carbohydrates, protein, and a little fat -- you absorb it slowly and stay full longer. It also stabilizes blood sugar, so you're less susceptible to cravings. Milk is an ideal source of calcium, because it also contains vitamin D, which is needed for maximum calcium absorption. It may also help your body stop storing fat. In a recent study, women who consumed three to four servings of low-fat dairy foods, like milk, lost nearly twice as much weight as those who took in lower amounts. Calories are 120 for 8 ounces.

4. Hot Chocolate

Shown to improve mood and may help protect against heart disease. Chocolate increases the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is responsible for regulating mood. Cocoa is also rich in plant based antioxidants that may protect cells against oxidative damage that can lower HDL (good) cholesterol levels, possibly putting you at higher risk for a heart attack. Calories 115 for one packet in water.

5. Low-Sodium Tomato Juice

May protect against numerous cancers as processed tomato products are the richest source of the antioxidant lycopene. Lycopene has been associated with a reduced risk of lung and stomach cancer, as well as pancreatic, colorectal, esophageal, oral, breast, and cervical cancers. It also appears to protect the lungs and heart against oxidative damage, helping to ward off cardiovascular disease. Calories are 30 for 6 ounces.


“Count” the calories you drink when you are watching your weight. Commit your daily calorie intake to nutrient dense food and liquids that will provide you the needed nutrients and the help to fill you up and curb cravings. In addition, research has also shown that people who eliminate 100 calories a day in the form of “liquid” calories versus decreased 100 food calories, lost more weight over time. You may also find you feel “less” deprived cutting out a calorie-laden drink more than eliminating 100 calories from a meal, which may lead to further success!

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