Saturday, November 23, 2013

Start a new family tradition this holiday... The Turkey Trot

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. So while you are planning your guest lists and favorite recipes think about adding a new tradition. 

This year, make Thanksgiving something more than a day of sitting and watching football and gobbling down turkey. Think about celebrating this holiday by also enjoying healthy activities with family and friends. In fact, there are so many “Turkey Trot” races on Thanksgiving Day that it is now one of the biggest running days of the year.

Virtually every major city offers road races that you can walk or run. Many are family friendly and have elements for participants of all ages and fitness levels. However if a structured race isn’t your thing... simply plan a time to gather your loved ones and get outside. Walk in the woods or walk through the neighborhood. The fresh air and the activity after the “big feast” will make everyone feel better.

Considering that a traditional Thanksgiving dinner packs as much as 4,000 calories, starting a tradition of running or walking with your friends and family on what’s affectionately known as Turkey Day is good for you and will inspire those that you love to do the same. So get the family together this Thanksgiving and take a walk, run, or participate in your local Turkey Trot and you’ll get the greatest reward of all—a lifetime of memories and new holiday tradition.

For a list of races near you go to: and pick the state you are in for race near you.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Watch Those Liquid Calories

You are what you eat and DRINK. 

When managing your weight…. It’s not just what you eat but also what you drink in the form of liquid calories. 

Soda is essentially sugar water, which packs a caloric punch. Diet soda, though clocking zero calories, also tallies zero nutritional value and has been linked to weight control issues. Smoothies and fruit juice, though healthier than soda, pack about the same number of calories. Alcohol of course is high in calories with no nutritional value and should be one of your “cheat treats” rather than part of your regular diet. With the exception of one glass of heart-healthy dry red wine daily. If you are looking for the healthiest choice, reach for water. Eight glasses are recommended per day, but if you hate drinking plain water, mix it up with water flavored with fresh fruit or try a flavored seltzer. Still need some variety?? Then here are some of my favorites:

1. Green Tea

Helps reduce your risk of osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, and cavities. Green tea contains a rich concentration natural antioxidants that may protect cells from carcinogens and inhibit tumor growth by helping to neutralize free radicals in the body. The tea's antioxidants may also guard against heart disease by relaxing blood vessels, inhibiting the formation of blood clots that trigger heart attacks and strokes. It also boasts 0 Calories.

2. Cranberry Juice with Seltzer

Helps prevent gum disease and supports urinary tract health. Research suggests that the same antibacterial properties present in cranberry juice that fight off urinary tract infections may also protect against periodontal disease. Experts theorize that a component of the juice called nondialysable material (NDM) inhibits bacteria from sticking to the gums. Many nutritionists are wary of fruit juices because of their sugar content, so limit your intake. Also, make sure the label says 100 percent juice, not 'juice drink' or 'cocktail. I like to mix 4 ounces of pure Cranberry juice with 4 ounces of calorie free seltzer and a twist of lime. Calories are only 70 for 8 ounces.

3. One Percent Low Fat Milk

Curbs cravings and helps protect against osteoporosis. Because it has all of the components of a healthy meal: carbohydrates, protein, and a little fat -- you absorb it slowly and stay full longer. It also stabilizes blood sugar, so you're less susceptible to cravings. Milk is an ideal source of calcium, because it also contains vitamin D, which is needed for maximum calcium absorption. It may also help your body stop storing fat. In a recent study, women who consumed three to four servings of low-fat dairy foods, like milk, lost nearly twice as much weight as those who took in lower amounts. Calories are 120 for 8 ounces.

4. Hot Chocolate

Shown to improve mood and may help protect against heart disease. Chocolate increases the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is responsible for regulating mood. Cocoa is also rich in plant based antioxidants that may protect cells against oxidative damage that can lower HDL (good) cholesterol levels, possibly putting you at higher risk for a heart attack. Calories 115 for one packet in water.

5. Low-Sodium Tomato Juice

May protect against numerous cancers as processed tomato products are the richest source of the antioxidant lycopene. Lycopene has been associated with a reduced risk of lung and stomach cancer, as well as pancreatic, colorectal, esophageal, oral, breast, and cervical cancers. It also appears to protect the lungs and heart against oxidative damage, helping to ward off cardiovascular disease. Calories are 30 for 6 ounces.


“Count” the calories you drink when you are watching your weight. Commit your daily calorie intake to nutrient dense food and liquids that will provide you the needed nutrients and the help to fill you up and curb cravings. In addition, research has also shown that people who eliminate 100 calories a day in the form of “liquid” calories versus decreased 100 food calories, lost more weight over time. You may also find you feel “less” deprived cutting out a calorie-laden drink more than eliminating 100 calories from a meal, which may lead to further success!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Commit to be MDFit!

Wouldn’t you LOVE to get in the best shape of your life with a workout you can stick with?

The Doctor's Workout is a safe, effective, and balanced exercise program that will transform your life! You can look and feel ten years younger... Just commit to be MDFit!

Monday, November 18, 2013

The MDFitness Cookbook!

Don't forget - You can get the MDFitness Cookbook FREE eBook with your purchase of The Doctor's Workout DVD!

Here at MDfitness, we encourage overall health from a combination of regular exercise and a nutritious diet. Healthy nutrition starts with learning new ways to eat, such as adding more fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, while cutting back on foods that have excess fat, salt, and sugar. A change to healthier eating also includes learning about balance, variety, and moderation. These are the basic principals of the MDfitness Cookbook. Our recipes are devised to introduce you to new foods and techniques to promote healthy nutrition.

The MDFitness Cookbook is available for download at!

Friday, November 15, 2013

MD Fitness Tip~ Red Meat

 Are there benefits of eating red meat as part of a healthy diet?

Yes, red meat has a place in a healthy diet as long as you choose the right cuts of beef. Some options are eye of the round roast and steak, round steak, sirloin steak, sirloin tip roast and 95 percent ground meat all offer healthy options. Adding one or two servings of lean red meat to your weekly diet will supply your body with many vital nutrients.

A 3-4 oz. serving of red meat supplies about half the protein an average adult needs in a daily diet. The protein you get from red meat contains the amino acids necessary to build muscle and repair tissue. Muscle mass is essential because it gives you the ability to be physically active and it also produces enzymes and hormones that help prevent illness. Protein has also been linked to weight loss, since it satisfies hunger and keeps you satisfied for hours following your meal.

Lean red meat also supplies a good amount of iron, in a form of iron more easily absorbed than the iron in plant-based foods. Adding red meat to your diet one or two times a week can help you consume the amount of iron your body needs for your red blood cells to transport enough oxygen to all the other parts of your body.

Another benefit of adding lean red meat to your diet is that it supplies a good dose of zinc. You need zinc from foods because it helps build muscle mass, strengthens your immune system and helps promote a healthy brain.

In addition, lean red meat is a natural source of many B vitamins. Eating foods that contain naturally occurring B vitamins is important because it helps promote a healthy body. Lean red meat contains B-12 for a healthy nervous system and B-6 for a strong immune system. Red meat also contains niacin, another B vitamin that aids in digestion, as well as riboflavin for healthy skin and eyes.

Look for lean cuts of meat and enjoy in 3-4 ounce servings, 1-2 times a week as part of a well-balanced healthy diet.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Motivational Monday

Your health is just like your life...  You get out of it what you put into it!

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Harvest Market chain and Sully’s Superette partner with MD Fitness

Harvest Market and Sully’s Superette are teaming up with the experts and creator’s of MD Fitness~ The Doctor’s Workout to help you achieve your fitness and nutrition goals!

We know that better health and weight management happen only when real changes are made. Your fitness program and diet plan must go hand in hand. You can’t focus on one without the other if you want meaningful results that are long-lasting. That is why MDFitness, Harvest Market, and Sully’s have teamed up to bring you food, recipes, health, nutrition, and fitness tips that will support and help motivate you in achieving your weight and fitness goals! Look for our helpful tips and recipes each week, provided to you in circulars and in-store, located at our Fitness sections, and on the web at! Be sure to pick up all the ingredients you need for making delicious and healthy recipes for you and your family while shopping at either of our partners' great markets!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

National Eating Healthy Day

Happy National Eating Healthy Day! To learn more about why eating healthy is so important and how YOU can start eating healthier today, visit:

Monday, November 4, 2013

November is Diabetes Awareness Month... What you need to know!

To learn more about Diabetes and what you can do to prevent Type 2 Diabetes, visit: