Friday, September 27, 2013

Saturday September 28, 2013 is FAMILY HEALTH AND FITNESS DAY~ So what are you planning to do this weekend?

Sharing physical activities as a family isn't just a good way to get your heart pumping and burn calories. It's also a great way to build family bonds. When you play tag, toss a baseball, or take a hike, you're creating memories your child will treasure someday.

You know it's important for everyone in your family to get plenty of physical activity. But the lure of television and comfy chair can be overwhelming. Think about ways to make fitness FUN so that you are motivated to do something other than sit and watch a movie this weekend. 

1. Make it a (friendly) competition

Some kids and adults are inspired by the chance to compete. Turn the backyard into an obstacle course. OR who in your clan can take the most steps in a day or do the most sit ups? You might be surprised! Keep in mind this is a FRIENDLY competition and the point is to have fun and encourage everyone to participate. 
2. Try something NEW

As a family, choose a new sport and learn it together. Biking or Martial Arts or horseback riding are especially well-suited to varying ages and skill levels. Or teach each other your favorite fitness activities. Kids love to reverse roles and be the teacher. Let them teach you something they learned in school in physical education class. Set aside a family workout time two or three times a week and take turns taking the lead! 

3. Do it for a good cause

Especially if your family has been personally affected by some issue, a run, walk, or even a car wash that benefits a beloved charity can provide just the inspiration you need for some family physical activity. Plus, you can't beat the extra “feel-good” message you're sharing with your kids.

The goal of Family Health & Fitness Day is to emphasize the importance and fun of regular physical activity and to encourage families of all ages to take advantage of the many health and fitness programs opportunities that are all around us. Good habits start at home…Family Health & Fitness Day is the perfect time to develop your families fitness plan.

1 comment:

  1. Apple Picking, Walking our dogs, and a local hike is on our agenda!
