Monday, September 30, 2013

We're Looking for Success Stories for Our Next TV Commercial!

Do you need the motivation to get in shape for good? How about getting in front of a television camera? The Doctor's Workout is your plan for success, and we're looking for success stories for our next TV commercial. Enter today with our appearance form, and get ready to be our next success story!

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Saturday September 28, 2013 is FAMILY HEALTH AND FITNESS DAY~ So what are you planning to do this weekend?

Sharing physical activities as a family isn't just a good way to get your heart pumping and burn calories. It's also a great way to build family bonds. When you play tag, toss a baseball, or take a hike, you're creating memories your child will treasure someday.

You know it's important for everyone in your family to get plenty of physical activity. But the lure of television and comfy chair can be overwhelming. Think about ways to make fitness FUN so that you are motivated to do something other than sit and watch a movie this weekend. 

1. Make it a (friendly) competition

Some kids and adults are inspired by the chance to compete. Turn the backyard into an obstacle course. OR who in your clan can take the most steps in a day or do the most sit ups? You might be surprised! Keep in mind this is a FRIENDLY competition and the point is to have fun and encourage everyone to participate. 
2. Try something NEW

As a family, choose a new sport and learn it together. Biking or Martial Arts or horseback riding are especially well-suited to varying ages and skill levels. Or teach each other your favorite fitness activities. Kids love to reverse roles and be the teacher. Let them teach you something they learned in school in physical education class. Set aside a family workout time two or three times a week and take turns taking the lead! 

3. Do it for a good cause

Especially if your family has been personally affected by some issue, a run, walk, or even a car wash that benefits a beloved charity can provide just the inspiration you need for some family physical activity. Plus, you can't beat the extra “feel-good” message you're sharing with your kids.

The goal of Family Health & Fitness Day is to emphasize the importance and fun of regular physical activity and to encourage families of all ages to take advantage of the many health and fitness programs opportunities that are all around us. Good habits start at home…Family Health & Fitness Day is the perfect time to develop your families fitness plan.

Monday, September 23, 2013

How to Combat Seasonal Weight Gain

The days are a little cooler, the leaves are beginning to show their brilliant colors, it’s Autumn in New England, my favorite time of the year. It’s time for football games and the World Series. Halloween is just around the corner and before long it will be the holidays with Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas treats. What’s not to love about this time of year? It’s the extra 5 lbs. of weight gain, that’s what’s not to love! Come New Year’s, it’s resolution time, the time to get rid of the extra weight. 

So what is behind this seasonal phenomenon? Some people blame it on darkness, some on cold, and others on SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Seasonal changes have been demonstrated in levels of Melatonin, Serotonin, Tryptophan, and Vitamin D all of which may play a role in tilting the balance of “calories in” over “calories out” - the driving force behind weight gain. Whatever the underlying causes, the end result is less exercise and more food consumption - especially carbohydrates. Cookies, cakes, and pies are loaded with carbohydrates, so is alcohol. Tired of having to loosen your belt? So am I. So this year, let’s try something different. Let’s not gain those extra lbs.

Here are five easy ways to prevent seasonal weight gain:

  1. Let’s talk about food. We know carbohydrates lead to obesity and in the fall we seem to crave them more and there are plenty more of them around than at other times of the year. So try to eat more protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables especially early in the day. A healthy breakfast will keep you satisfied all morning and help prevent weight gain. For an afternoon snack, try an apple, they are in season this time of year and they are both healthy and delicious. If pasta is calling you for dinner, try a whole grain brand such as Barilla Plus and make a sauce with more olive oil and less sugar.
  2. Exercise or lack thereof is perhaps the biggest cause of seasonal weight gain and therefore the solution. When you get out of work and it is cold and dark all you want to do is snuggle up with a blanket and some comfort food but you can resist this if you are proactive and establish a routine. Just insert 30-40 minutes at least 3 times a week to strength training and fill in the rest with some cardio and problem solved. Strength training increases muscle mass, which bumps up the metabolism and burns more calories. 
  3. Change your routine to burn more calories. Try taking a fast walk at lunch that will get you outside and exposed to more sunlight. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car on the far side of the mall parking lot. Go for a stroll after dinner. Every little bit counts. Remember, an extra 100 calories burned or saved each day will result in 10 lbs. of weight loss in a year. 
  4. Let’s talk about alcohol. A glass or two of wine, especially red wine is considered healthy but after that it just piles on the calories. If you normally drink two glasses a day try to nurse one glass longer. That will give you that 100 calories all by itself. When you are tailgating or attending a holiday party, have a glass of water in between cocktails. It will help you to pace yourself. 
  5. Embrace the outdoors. There is so much to do in spite of the cold and the dark. Bundle yourself up and head for the hills and mountains. Hiking, skiing, and snowshoeing will invigorate you and burn calories. Most ski areas now have night skiing under the lights or buy a headlight and off you go. Find someone you care about to join you. There is nothing more romantic than a moonlit walk on freshly fallen snow. 
Try these five tips and you will be amazed at how great you look and feel. Remember, the choice is yours: get heavy or get healthy!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Congratulations to Diana Nyad

Congratulations to Diana Nyad for becoming the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without the help of a shark cage! She is right when she said, “I have three messages. One is, we should never, ever give up. Two is, you're never too old to chase your dream. Three is, it looks like a solitary sport, but it is a team.”