Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How To Stick With Your New Year's Fitness Resolution!

Two weeks have passed since we’ve made those ever-important New year’s resolutions. For many of us, we resolved to “get in better shape this year”. Often, that resolve fades and people lapse into their old habits within just a few weeks. Here are some simple tips to keep you on track and help you achieve your fitness goals once and for all!

  1. Start out slowly… we often think we have to make extreme changes to reap any benefit. However you will be amazed at how effective small changes can be. Yes, you do have to be patient, however small changes are easier to make and will mean you are more likely to stick with them and see better long-term results! You are also less likely to stop due to an injury or pain from being too “gung-ho” in the beginning. 
  2. Plan your work outs into your schedule. Make it your goal to work out 150 minutes each week. The reason many people give for not working out regularly is TIME but working out can be done in small increments if that is all you have. Studies have shown that individuals who schedule their workouts are more likely to stick with it. Once you fit them in your schedule, treat them as you would any meeting or appointment. Some days you may need to do a short morning workout, or other days take a walk on your lunch break. The point is to make the time and then treat them as a priority. On days when you just don’t “feel” like working out, allow yourself to do a set of your favorite exercise. Chances are once you’ve started you won’t stop. However if you do decide after you get started that you want to give yourself a “pass,” then you at least did something! 
  3. Set realistic goals and believe that you can achieve them. First off, are you setting a realistic fitness goal? If you’ve been sedentary for years then maybe an extreme workout isn’t for you right now. Maybe starting a walking program or a graded program is more realistic. Next, remember that if the promises seem too good to be true, then they probably are. Secondly, believe that you CAN do it and WILL DO it. Fitness is not magic. It is plain old work. However when you do make it a habit then you reap the rewards and won’t want to stop! 
  4. Use positive PEER pressure. Talk to your family and friends about your goals and solicit their encouragement to stick with it. The last thing you need when you intend to work out one evening is your best pal telling you to skip it and go out for a drink. Let them know how important it is to you and in fact suggest they join you!
  5. Keep track of your progress. This might mean tracking your measurements, weight, stamina or your overall health. For example, ask your Dr. to test your cholesterol and keep track of the results. Repeat the test in 60-90 days and see how far you’ve come in lowering your risk for heart disease. Once you see the impact your fitness routine can have on your well-being… you are sure to stick with it once and for all! 

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